
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

Phasellus gravida bibendum adipiscing. Cras id rhoncus diam. Praesent pharetra justo sed velit tempus, non pulvinar tortor tempor. Maecenas elementum consequat orci, eget fermentum erat adipiscing porta. Nunc et lorem eu metus pretium ultrices. Nam pharetra a diam a accumsan. Aliquam egestas ante eget enim condimentum lobortis. Mauris euismod porta mollis. Praesent eget ornare eros. Nullam aliquet nulla eget erat congue, a sodales quam egestas. Nunc urna purus, auctor non facilisis ac, viverra id lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur rutrum hendrerit facilisis. Pellentesque non scelerisque sapien. Pellentesque quis purus egestas, mattis mauris vel, volutpat enim.

Maecenas eleifend sem in massa blandit eleifend. Fusce nisi nulla, vehicula eleifend diam ac, rutrum facilisis diam. Praesent eget leo a magna tincidunt ullamcorper quis eu massa. Etiam ac tincidunt felis. Aenean semper nisi sit amet nisl blandit, eget fermentum neque varius. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc consequat, magna in gravida sollicitudin, nibh orci interdum tortor, vitae rutrum augue eros ut ante. Nullam volutpat nisi sit amet justo pulvinar aliquam. Pellentesque facilisis, odio in semper consectetur, risus eros sagittis mi, venenatis gravida orci orci auctor turpis. Nulla accumsan venenatis nisl id tempor.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin mattis pulvinar arcu, at varius sapien venenatis vitae. Fusce dapibus purus sed enim volutpat iaculis. Nam commodo fermentum erat non ultrices. Ut congue dapibus nisl quis interdum. Vivamus non est in est sodales venenatis eget at risus. Aliquam consequat scelerisque leo, in interdum ipsum bibendum ut. Aenean eget erat ipsum. Cras a commodo felis. Integer convallis varius condimentum. Pellentesque imperdiet ultricies enim, vitae scelerisque lectus consequat quis. Duis gravida viverra fermentum. Aliquam tempus ultrices mauris, tempor laoreet lacus bibendum sed.

Pellentesque in erat adipiscing, sagittis arcu quis, commodo odio. Cras at dapibus ipsum, eu dapibus dolor. Vivamus vel nisl nec nisl interdum sollicitudin pretium non enim. Phasellus sit amet metus sit amet ipsum porta fringilla id et elit. Integer rhoncus varius malesuada. Vestibulum adipiscing ante non leo ornare, id rutrum tortor posuere. In vel lobortis velit, vel dapibus mauris. Curabitur turpis arcu, dignissim nec aliquam eget, volutpat at sapien.


Phasellus gravida bibendum adipiscing

Cras id rhoncus diam. Praesent pharetra justo sed velit tempus, non pulvinar tortor tempor. Maecenas elementum consequat orci, eget fermentum erat adipiscing porta. Nunc et lorem eu metus pretium ultrices. Nam pharetra a diam a accumsan. Aliquam egestas ante eget enim condimentum lobortis. Mauris euismod porta mollis. Praesent eget ornare eros. Nullam aliquet nulla eget erat congue, a sodales quam egestas. Nunc urna purus, auctor non facilisis ac, viverra id lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur rutrum hendrerit facilisis. Pellentesque non scelerisque sapien. Pellentesque quis purus egestas, mattis mauris vel, volutpat enim.

Maecenas eleifend sem in massa blandit eleifend. Fusce nisi nulla, vehicula eleifend diam ac, rutrum facilisis diam. Praesent eget leo a magna tincidunt ullamcorper quis eu massa. Etiam ac tincidunt felis. Aenean semper nisi sit amet nisl blandit, eget fermentum neque varius. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc consequat, magna in gravida sollicitudin, nibh orci interdum tortor, vitae rutrum augue eros ut ante. Nullam volutpat nisi sit amet justo pulvinar aliquam. Pellentesque facilisis, odio in semper consectetur, risus eros sagittis mi, venenatis gravida orci orci auctor turpis. Nulla accumsan venenatis nisl id tempor.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin mattis pulvinar arcu, at varius sapien venenatis vitae. Fusce dapibus purus sed enim volutpat iaculis. Nam commodo fermentum erat non ultrices. Ut congue dapibus nisl quis interdum. Vivamus non est in est sodales venenatis eget at risus. Aliquam consequat scelerisque leo, in interdum ipsum bibendum ut. Aenean eget erat ipsum. Cras a commodo felis. Integer convallis varius condimentum. Pellentesque imperdiet ultricies enim, vitae scelerisque lectus consequat quis. Duis gravida viverra fermentum. Aliquam tempus ultrices mauris, tempor laoreet lacus bibendum sed.

Pellentesque in erat adipiscing, sagittis arcu quis, commodo odio. Cras at dapibus ipsum, eu dapibus dolor. Vivamus vel nisl nec nisl interdum sollicitudin pretium non enim. Phasellus sit amet metus sit amet ipsum porta fringilla id et elit. Integer rhoncus varius malesuada. Vestibulum adipiscing ante non leo ornare, id rutrum tortor posuere. In vel lobortis velit, vel dapibus mauris. Curabitur turpis arcu, dignissim nec aliquam eget, volutpat at sapien.


Nvarius nibh sed dictum hendrerit

Donec laoreet lacus ut sapien placerat, ut molestie est molestie. Donec adipiscing purus eget ultrices adipiscing. Nullam tempus rhoncus tellus egestas euismod. Nulla sed feugiat felis. Fusce molestie est nec magna aliquet, nec tincidunt erat fringilla. Integer et suscipit erat. Nullam tristique vestibulum elit ac dapibus. Phasellus fermentum placerat sem sed mollis. Etiam sem nunc, mollis quis consequat id, congue a ligula.

Nullam rhoncus vulputate mauris, a varius magna egestas vel. Sed quis neque vehicula, porta eros in, sollicitudin justo. Cras at malesuada elit. Nulla laoreet urna sed varius scelerisque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque laoreet odio ut dolor porta, in tristique sapien ultricies. Aenean iaculis risus ac hendrerit eleifend. Proin in nisl mi. Morbi mollis, arcu at vulputate sagittis, ipsum erat pretium mauris, in ullamcorper mi neque nec sapien. Fusce eros metus, facilisis porta nibh nec, lacinia sagittis odio. Quisque nunc dolor, porta vel gravida in, luctus sit amet nisl. Nam sodales dictum eros in convallis. Maecenas molestie eu nisi nec aliquet. Nulla blandit ligula non metus lobortis sollicitudin.

Sed vel blandit ligula. Aliquam egestas mauris ut elit suscipit suscipit. Proin consectetur erat eget sapien venenatis adipiscing. Maecenas sed dapibus ante, eu malesuada enim. Aenean hendrerit nisl a turpis cursus, id fermentum nibh cursus. Nam gravida rutrum risus, quis fringilla dui eleifend et. Morbi vitae consequat diam. Phasellus quis leo neque. Pellentesque porta rutrum leo, quis sodales mi viverra sed. Mauris nec vulputate arcu, ac euismod est. Donec euismod, quam eu facilisis suscipit, augue libero imperdiet mauris, non blandit urna ipsum at leo. Nam elementum quam massa, in pharetra velit laoreet et. Nulla facilisi.

Vivamus vitae arcu ac arcu adipiscing congue at et nisi. Nunc sed convallis diam. Cras congue arcu id euismod gravida. Curabitur sollicitudin quam tellus, eu porta nisl interdum sed. Pellentesque porttitor aliquet nibh, eu dictum lorem tempus nec. Nunc at urna eget velit fermentum aliquam in et eros. Vivamus posuere lectus luctus risus consectetur egestas. Etiam molestie adipiscing sem, vitae suscipit nunc sodales ut. Aliquam ut ullamcorper libero. Nulla varius quis tellus condimentum viverra.


Cras porttitor velit eu sem varius pulvinar

Aliquam tristique, metus id rhoncus scelerisque, arcu dolor volutpat est, sed iaculis urna purus et felis. In in lectus placerat diam venenatis auctor a nec ligula. Suspendisse gravida nisl a sapien scelerisque, vitae pharetra nibh facilisis. Duis facilisis tristique lorem vel feugiat. Curabitur egestas mauris at ipsum pulvinar blandit. Cras tempor nunc id massa consequat viverra. Fusce sagittis tempus elit, at sodales leo lobortis non. Aliquam molestie dapibus tellus, non molestie velit elementum ut. Vestibulum vehicula nulla vitae enim dapibus, vel scelerisque elit gravida. Praesent eu dui vitae velit iaculis feugiat nec vel ante.

Nulla commodo lacus ut nibh ultricies pulvinar. Nullam eget faucibus arcu. Vestibulum imperdiet nunc tincidunt quam blandit, pharetra convallis quam condimentum. Nunc quis pulvinar sapien, nec euismod dolor. Cras sapien est, scelerisque adipiscing quam eget, scelerisque ultrices justo. Quisque condimentum et elit ac fermentum. Duis nec est in arcu porta suscipit. Etiam et justo auctor, posuere purus sed, blandit ipsum. Maecenas fermentum sem in enim malesuada euismod. Quisque pulvinar rhoncus urna, quis semper massa congue quis. Maecenas a erat tortor. Curabitur eget lectus aliquet, mattis tortor in, semper ligula.

Sed luctus ipsum felis, quis aliquet nisi pellentesque et. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce porttitor nulla mi. Praesent eleifend tincidunt nisl, non eleifend sem viverra eget. Integer aliquet urna sit amet gravida posuere. Donec ultricies tellus nec convallis elementum. Etiam tempus risus arcu, a fermentum urna suscipit viverra. Fusce malesuada lacus a consectetur tincidunt. Curabitur a magna mi.

Nullam ac blandit arcu. Praesent euismod risus felis, eu vehicula erat venenatis quis. Fusce vitae elit at quam tincidunt aliquet. Praesent commodo erat eget fringilla feugiat. Sed ut urna risus. Sed rhoncus feugiat leo in venenatis. Curabitur nisl ante, fermentum vel nisl ut, ultrices tempor libero. Fusce gravida arcu ac aliquam gravida. Suspendisse a bibendum tortor. Nulla viverra lacus arcu, vel commodo risus rhoncus ac. Ut ultricies lorem a sem laoreet faucibus.


In hac habitasse platea dictumst

Nunc tristique rutrum euismod. Quisque vestibulum, velit eget tincidunt egestas, dui est varius elit, sit amet ullamcorper lacus mi quis mi. Maecenas dapibus ipsum at urna viverra venenatis. Morbi odio dui, fermentum non est eu, ullamcorper mattis tellus. Praesent eu dignissim felis. Nulla tristique elit quis magna malesuada, at mattis augue congue.

Nulla dignissim eget enim et laoreet. Praesent metus dolor, luctus sit amet arcu a, egestas cursus orci. Suspendisse id dolor quis ligula commodo elementum. Integer eu vulputate est, ac feugiat nibh. Aliquam leo sem, accumsan eu suscipit non, ultrices eget turpis. Etiam eu aliquet nisi. Sed ultricies suscipit sapien, ut cursus dui sodales sit amet. Sed vitae quam id felis placerat facilisis. Nam et aliquet mauris, a malesuada massa. Sed id odio condimentum, consectetur risus sed, mattis ligula.

Mauris sit amet turpis at eros ullamcorper malesuada. Duis eu eros eget erat elementum condimentum. Vestibulum vel urna vel purus tempus laoreet ac ac augue. Fusce molestie est vitae tincidunt vehicula. Mauris sit amet pharetra eros. Sed interdum mattis tellus. Maecenas risus mauris, fermentum a tincidunt vitae, rhoncus sit amet metus.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus interdum felis eu ipsum accumsan, vitae consectetur magna semper. Etiam pellentesque feugiat turpis. Duis fermentum eros a mattis pharetra. Cras porttitor ante ac risus feugiat pretium. Maecenas in nulla ac lacus congue mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.


America’s Best value cars of 2013

Most savvy car buyers are aware that as soon as a new car gets driven off a dealer’s lot it immediately takes a dip in value. However, not all vehicles depreciate at the same pace over time. Wouldn’t it be great to know which new cars were likely to be worth the most when it’s time to sell? Automotive Lease Guide has been forecasting automotive residual values for more than 50 years, and is considered an industry benchmark for this calculation. For the past 13 years, ALG has been giving Residual Value Awards to vehicles and brands likely to retain the most value after three years of ownership. Let’s take a look at the winners for 2014.

Best cars 2013

Best cars 2013

The Jaguar F-TYPE is a cool-looking car, and the Convertible S model is even cooler — especially when it’s road-tested in the middle of winter, the way I did.

The car’s sleek exterior lines shouldn’t be marred by something as mundane as ordinary door handles. So the Jaguar F-TYPE uses what the British automaker calls “deployable door handles” that retract into the body of the car when not in use and pop out when needed.

If the car has keyless entry and push-button start like the Convertible S model I tested, you can just press the front of the recessed door handle and the doors will unlock and the handles will pop out. Pushing the rear of one of the handles locks the doors and causes the handles to retract. The handles also retract and become flush with the car at a certain speed.

For an F-TYPE without keyless entry, pressing the unlock button on the key fob causes the doors to unlock and the handles to pop out, and pressing it again locks the doors and hides the handles. On the car I tested, the side mirrors also fold in when the doors are locked since Jaguar hasn’t yet figured out a way to make those disappear — though that could be next.


How to get a great deal when buying a new car?

Heading to the auto dealership to buy a new car is a daunting prospect. For many of us, it represents the second most expensive purchase we’ll make in our lives, behind buying a home. With so much money on the line, buyers should be armed with as much information as possible. We spoke to buyer advocate Jerry Robbin to learn his top 15 tips for the best deal on a car. For a fee, Robbin will negotiate with a dealer for you, so he has plenty of experience with this process. Heed his advice and you could save thousands on your next new car purchase.

Audi A6

Audi A6

It seems simplistic, but you need to know what car you want. Base your information on needs for fuel economy, capability, space, passenger capacity and price range. Also consider your desires for performance, looks, amenities and reliability. Focus on a few vehicles and narrow the list by reading reviews and using guidance tools on the Internet. Once you have a short list, test drive or rent the vehicles. If you take your test drive at a dealership, don’t get caught up in the buying experience. You are only researching at this point. The test drive should narrow your choice down to one vehicle. Then you need to go deeper.

Once you’ve picked the vehicle you want, choose the trim level based on the features and options you can’t live without. Go to the brand’s website and navigate to the “build and price” area. Build the car to the specifications you want. This will give you the manufacturer’s suggested retail price, plus the destination charge. Visit third-party websites such as MSN Autos to find the vehicle’s invoice price (more on this later). When the time comes to buy, don’t deviate from the trim level you chose — why pay for features you don’t want? Note that you might have to special order a vehicle to get exactly what you want.

Once you’ve chosen the model and options, email a few local dealers and ask for a quote on that exact vehicle. Add a timeline for your buying process to show them that you aren’t just a tire-kicker. You can also use Internet services for this step, such as the “get a quote” links on websites such as MSN Autos and pricing sites such as To get your business, one of those dealers might quote you a good price right up front.

Take documented evidence of your best price quote to your preferred dealer and start the negotiations. The dealer will be compelled to meet or beat your best price to earn your business. If this dealer is close to your home or workplace, it’s best to buy from them for your convenience and because they will be more willing to work with you on service issues if you’re a customer. Also use timing to your advantage. Buy when you want to — not when you need to — and go to the dealer at the end of the month when the staff is trying to meet sales goals.

Best drivers car of the year 2013

More than 100 million Americans drive to work every day, and millions more are using their cars to accomplish everyday tasks. For most, daily driving is a dreaded activity filled with honking horns, wasted time, traffic and big gas bills every month. To lessen the blow, we’ve compiled a list of some of the greatest daily-driver options now available, from cars with awesome infotainment systems to hybrids that offer relief at the pump. Click through these 2013 models and prepare to rack up those inevitable daily miles with a smile on your face.


Significant technology turning points that transform car travel

From music to travel to telecommunications, technology has transformed entire industries and disrupted traditional ways of doing business. Just ask record labels, travel agents and home telephone service providers. And now it’s the car’s turn.

Tech turning points

Tech turning points

Whether it was 4G connectivity and “big data” coming to vehicles or large tech companies making a stake in the connected car space and the move toward autonomous driving, 2013 saw several significant turning points that prove that technology will change driving as we know it. Here’s my take on the top five car tech trends we saw this year.

Connectivity. You can’t have a connected car without connectivity. And with the smartphone and tablet market reaching a saturation point, wireless carriers have set their sights on the car as the next mobile device — and hence a new market for data plans — as drivers increasingly want to stay connected. 2013 kicked off with GM and AT&T announcing a partnership to bring 4G connectivity to cars in 2014, and wrapped up with Audi doing the same at the Los Angeles Auto Show with an unnamed carrier partner.

Autonomous cars. While it’s been three years since Google revealed in late 2010 that it had logged almost 150,000 miles testing its original self-driving Toyota Prius, in 2013 most mainstream automakers revealed their autonomous vehicle ambitions. More than a half dozen major car companies as well as electric vehicle startup Tesla announced automated driving technology, introduced a self-driving research vehicle or both. And Nissan said it will have several self-driving vehicles on the market by 2020.
Over-the-air software updates. Because of the disparate differences in product lead times between the technology and auto industries — 12 to 18 months versus three to four years — cars are always behind the times tech-wise. While manual software updates have been used for several years with systems like Ford Sync, over-the-air updates that occur automatically make it easier for car owners and car companies to keep in-dash electronics current. An example of this is when Audi rolled out a new feature via an OTA update that allows a driver to find, reserve and even pay for a parking spot in advance. Tesla did it too when it added an update to deal with fires issues for the Model S.